Get the latest Citra Canary builds here: ĬLICK/TAP ON A “BOLD” GAME’S NAME BELOW TO WATCH OUR CITRA GAMEPLAY TEST OF IT. They were done on a Windows 10 (64-bit) PC with an Intel i7-4770 CPU, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU, & 16GB DDR3 RAM. Don't use the latest emulator PCCitra canary1550 or earlier AndroidCitra CitraMMJ20200119.apk or earlier,Theoretically60+ FPS, Obviously it's speeding up, But this game is locked to 30FPS, so 60FPS will not be displayed. The games tested below are the USA versions, unless otherwise noted. ,If it is a emulator, close New3DSMode in the emulator settings. Doesn’t get much better than this via emulation! Citra emulator crash fix guide,how to fix citra emulator from crashing. ★★★★☆ = Playable at or close to full speed–likely has some graphical or audio glitches. Fire Emblem Awakening,and check Profiler,my average frame is 260,but the game. ★★★☆☆ = Goes in-game, but it’s too slow or has too many issues to be considered playable. ★★☆☆☆ = Gets to intros (and maybe even the menus), but doesn’t work in-game. ★☆☆☆☆ = Immediately crashes or boots to a black screen. ☆☆☆☆☆ = Untested–it might work, it might not.
I plan on updating this frequently for the time being, so check back often! There is also a compatibility list on the official Citra site HERE, but I decided to create this one myself as it’s a lot of work just to add one new entry to their compatibility list. : I have created this basic compatibility list today so that you can easily keep up with how specific games are running on the Citra emulator.